Tanya The Boss |
I would like to be the boss one day and for that I need to practise balance! something so many of us are lacking! In perfect world If I were the boss al staff would get their birthday off as well as a gift that is significant and special to that specific person. I would allow for 1 Duvet day every 8 weeks and I would definately have a good cleaning team in the office and alyats have flowers or well looked after pants. (I think flowers and plants are beautiful and add a sense of goodness t any room).
I would let my staff choose a charity close to their hearts to donate to every month a a debit order fromtheir salaries and i would match their contributions. If i had lots of moms with small kids I would hire a good day teacher/mother and create a childcare facility at work. I would treatmy staff to a great treat of their choice at the end of each successful year (with a rand limitation) and I would do weekend team buildings with spouses invited.
I would consider my employees schedules and allow for flexi time and maybe have a gym on site.In saying all these really great things, I would expect long working hours and 100 percent committment, round the clock work on projects if thats what must be done to deliver the goods to clients and I would expect absoloute professionalism.
I would like to create an environment of support and mentorship and be able to be an example to my employees.