Friday 17 February 2012

What I believe in....

Hi Friends, so here I am, Finally entering the world of the bloggers - very bad for a pr and communications gal! My media lecturer Marian has prompted me to take this huge leap, so I would like to start off by Thanking her - Thank you Marian Pike for this nudge in the right direction.

My very first blog is centered around my beliefs (or at least one thing I believe in),this should be as easy as pie but actually takes a bit of thought when one is faced with the question.

I would like to think that I have a personal belief system as well as a religious, professionaI and social belief - but shouldn't one's belief system be centralised and carried through to all these mentioned areas of ones life?

What I do know for sure is that I am an emotional being and too often think with my heart and react on my feelings. I have lerned that this is not the wisest path to follow - lol!

My uncompramising beliefs (for myself and what I expect from others in return) is trust and honesty, I believe that every relationship in any aspect of your life is based on these two cornerstones. I have a strong spiritual belief system and all my big and life changing/altering decisions have been based upon this system.

I believe in transparency and communication in the work place, these two qualities are a base for my proffesional work relationships. My social beliefs are purely based on my mood or feelings, for instance when I'm around great friends I feel great and loved, or when I have had a tough week at work I enjoy dinner and a drink out with my husband.

I have left my personal beliefs for last even though I mentioned it first becouse for me, this is the most important belief system I have as every other belief stems from who I am as a person.
I am creative and therefore have lots of grey area and very little black and white. I will always give the benefit of the doubt and consider all sides of a story (this can be good and bad). 

What I do know for sure is that compassion goes a long way on this journey called life and forgiveness is essential. I believe in fair play and second chances, I believe in Love and miricles, I believe that there is good and evil in this world and I do believe that your heart will lead you to your destiny!

Wow - that was awsome, I'm looking forward to updating my blog reallty soon again!

Much Love


  1. Its always the first one that's most difficult, the 99 hereafter will be a breeze. Its a well written conviction driven piece. Not many people know exactly what they're all about. Good on you.

  2. That us awesome, good belief systems!

  3. Our systems of anchoring ourselves are very important. I like the fact that you have such strong values and hope that as you build on your strengths and challenge your challenges, you will be a much stronger person within the world.
    Welcome to our new world of blogging.
