Friday 9 March 2012

Fish Falling from the sky

Fish falling from the sky

Any good old wives tale or superstition story has an impossibility that it is centered around, for instance, if a child looks through his/her legs someone i nthe room is pregnant, or if a black cat crosses your path you will have 7 years of bad luck or the one we have all hear, throw salt over yout left soulder for good luck in life!

We love to tell and re-tell these stories and most of the time we dont believe these superstitions or tales, but be honest, if a black cat does cross your path you are a teeny weeny bit scared of ill fate for 7 years.

So what small part of us refuses to let go of this nagging and ever present fear of "just in case it is true let me do what I need to do" My answer is fear and a bit of fable. Firstly we as hunman beings are driven by fear everyday, we are afraid of not excelling at work, of not being the best at everything, of not having enough and of well plain bad luck in life.

I think we all have an inner child and we all need a bit of fantasy in our lives so we hold onto these fables and old wives tales becouse it gives us a fairytale like aspect to our lives and existance, why else would we pass these fables onto uur children.

Its the same with fish falling from the sky, its literally impossible but scientifically possible. This phrase was born from a scientific finding caused by the process of evapouration, where fish from the river somehow get evapourated with the water and come down with rain again, strange but oddly true. So we say things like the day I do that is the day fish fall from the sky.

This phenomenon is a magical mix of fairytale, fact and old wives tale.

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