is always a safe option to take and helps us sleep well at night but
it's not as exciting as taking risks right? We tend to think that when
we are young it's great to be a bit wild and take risks live your life
and conquer the world, the problem is we are not young forever and our
actions have reactions and consequences.
I know
a few conventional people and when I look at their lives they are
pretty happy, they have good life insurances and policies, they have
worked at the same company for a good few years and are careful with
their money. In this very unstable economic time we are in living in it
has paid to be conventional with ones finances.
what's the flip side of conventional- a bit of instability with a lot
of unpredictable, in everyday life I guess a bit of both the above is
nice but in times of trouble cone national is good.
the end of the day a bit of conventional and unpredictable is a great
mix, the secret is to choose the proper things as conventional
Life is filled with many unknowns, in the
midst of all the craziness of the world it's nice for me to know that
the things I can control is predictable.
Happy weekend to all
Tanya B
We all have our favourites |
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