Friday, 14 September 2012

My bucket list

My Bucket List
My bucket list

Life is the most precious gift we have and it's free, it's also unpredictable and almost always too short.
As young people most of us think we have enough time to fulfill all our dreams and we are very focused on the glitz and glam of life, only once we get older do we relapse who we actually are, what life really means to us and what we truely consider important.

I am 26 years old and married for almost 2 years but only now am I realizing what is important to me in life. In my marriage laughter and playfulness are more important than having a clean house and no socks on the floor, in my career having relationships of trust and mutual respect is more important to me than climbing the corporate ladder at all costs, taking time out to be with the people I love over rules shopping malls and my health is more important than any appointment, deadline or job for that matter. Losing my baby girl has forced me to see life in a different way, being faced with loosing my mother has opened up my eyes to what truly matters, so here are a few things I would love to do before I die:

Work because I love what I do and not because I need the salary every month
Go on a safari and stay in a 5 star game reserve Travel
Visit Salzburg Germany where e Sound of Music is set
Have and raise children ( this would be my greatest joy)
Grow in wisdom continually
Work with a cancer association
Open my own coffee shop
Have and enjoy my own holiday house
Have a bakini body again lol
Add positively to relationships on a daily basis
Grow in patience for everyone and everything
Go on a luxury ship cruise
Host glam dinner parties with lots of crystal and fab flowers
Work for a Pr corporate again - love the business suits and killer heels
Drive a Mercedes
Make someone's dream come true
Have my own designer and wear dresses that make me feel unbelievable

These are a few things I would like to do or have fulfilled before I die, but if I die today I will still be happy and fulfilled because I have had the opportunity to experience great love and great loss, I feel human and thankful and blessed, I have had the grace to take care of my sick mother and work with some of the most amazing people in the world, I have been able to show love and kindness to strangers and I have also been made strong by the battles of life, I feel human and I have a great God to guide my ways.

So if today be my last day all I ask is that I would be entered into grace and thank the Lord for my experiences thus far.

God Bless

Tanya B 

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