What does achievement mean to you |
1. My very best achievement in my life thus far has to be
that I am a Mother, I was blest to carry a precious life and even though my
baby girl is now in heaven, I consider myself privileged to have carried her
and nurtured her for 26 weeks,
2. Being a wife – this requires constant maturity and growth
3. Working towards the end of my BTech
4. Planning a wedding
5. Completing my ND
6. Finishing School
7. Never doing drugs
8. Maintaining good relationships
9. Completing very difficult and complex assignments
10. Working on my Dissertation
11. Working on building my character
12. Being hard working
13. Maintain a solid belief system
14. Staying true to myself
15. Having the courage to follow my dreams
16. Loving completely
17. Facing challenges and overcoming them
18. Facing everyday challenges
19. Being kind everyday
20. Being unselfish when I need to be
21. My abaility to listen
22. To act as a mediator and explain issues to people of different understanding
Shew - this is really difficult , I dont think I have 200 achievemenets yet. I doubt anyone has 200 achievements they can put down on paper. If we really think about it there are many achievements we have on a daily basis, maybe achievements are the wrong words to use these are more like everyday miricles and blessings, god fortune if you like.
The fact that we can awake in the morning with health and strenght - there we go 3 blessings in one line! The fact that we have loved ones and friends, a job, roof over our heads and a warm bed are miricles.
In fact I think if we really sit back and become grateful for life and beauty we could easily fill the page.
Many blessings and good fortune to all reading this post, I pray it provokes a few positive thoughts.
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